
Meditation Buddhism in Practice

Meditation Buddhism in Practice


This book is divided into two parts; meditation and introduction to Buddhism. The first part aims to provide basic concepts of meditation, in particular to the Buddhist point of view on mental cultivation and a simple step by step instruction to find relaxation and to deepen inner peace through insight meditation. The second part introduces an overview of Buddhism and its fundamental teachings mainly based on the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

Followers of the Buddha's teaching

Buddhist Culture: Introduction and Challenges in the Western world

Buddhist Culture: Introduction and Challenges in the Western world


This document was presented at the International Buddhist Conference, Lumbini, Nepal, which was held on 15 - 17 November 2014. This paper was focused on Buddhist missionary work (Dhammaduta) in the city of Aberdeen, the third largest city of Scotland. The introduction of Theravada Buddhist missionary worked in the city. It identified the major challenges to missionary work, and it was discussed as a leadership initiative. This account was also discussed the adaptation, modification and preservation of Buddhist culture in the City of Aberdeen. It was also addressed the theme of the influence of the popular Buddhist concept of Mindfulness

Those who wish to know and study on Buddhist Culture: Introduction and Challenges in the Western world.

बुद्धधर्मानुसार नयाँ जीवनकाे शुरुवाट

बुद्धधर्मानुसार नयाँ जीवनकाे शुरुवाट

याे पुस्तकमा Assist. Prof. Dr. Banjob Bannaruji ले “The Origin of Life in Buddhist View” भन्ने अग्रेजी लेख र त्यसकाे नेपालीमा भावार्थका साथै साेहि लेख बिभिन्न पत्रिकाहरुमा प्रकाशित भएकाेलाई संकलन गरि प्रस्तुत गरिएकाे छ । भगवान बुद्धकाे देशना गर्नु भएकाे प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद अनुसार सत्त्वहरु वा प्राणीहरु चाहे मानिस हाेस् वा जनावर सबैकाे एकै प्रकारकाे भवचक्रकाे रहेकाे हुन्छ । जति बेलासम्म राग द्वेष माेह पूर्णरुपमा नष्ट हुदैन त्यतिबेलासम्म पुनः जन्म लिनै पर्दछ । आमाकाे गर्भासयमा कसरी नयाँ जीवनकाे उत्पति र विकास हुन्छ भनि सुत्रपिटकमा रहेकाे महानिदान सूत्र र अभिधम्मत्थविभाविनीटिका अनुसार प्रष्टाइए नेपाल भाषा र नेपाली भाषामा प्रस्तुत गरेकाे छ

बुद्धधर्म अनुसार नयाँ जीवनकाे शुरु कसरी हुन्छ भनि अध्ययन र अध्यापन गर्न चाहनेहरू ।

Introduction to Vassa and Kathina Ceremony

Introduction to Vassa and Kathina Ceremony


An introduction and meaning of Asalha Puja or Vassa and Kathina Robe and its importance in Buddhism are mentioned. Also mentioned the Sangha and Duty, the Kathina ceremony procedure, its important procedures and words and passage of Asalha Puja observation. The brief introduction of Varapunya Meditation Centre is also mentioned.

Those who wish to know about the Asalha Puja or Vassa and Kathin Robe ceremony in Buddhism.

Meditation Guidance

Meditation Guidance


Meditation is a method of knowing one’s own mind and how it works. Knowing the mind helps one to become a master of the mind rather than a slave. The mind, despite being formless, colourless and shapeless, normally, is engaged either in the past memories or in the illusory world of the future. Meditation is to contemplate what one does. In Buddhist meditation one also needs to reflect or concentrate on an object. So there are two types of meditation in Buddhism. The tips; how to start the meditation, its objects and destruction are included in this book.

Followers of meditation.

Your Questions, My Answers on Buddhism and Experience

Your Questions, My Answers on Buddhism and Experience


This book is a collection of questions and answers about Buddhism and the life of Buddhist monks. This book is divided into two parts. The first part is based on an interview taken by a student of journalism. The second part is based on an interaction with pupils on “Suffering in Buddhism” and “The Earthquake in Nepal” at Albyn school, which is related to the life of a Buddhist monk, his experiences in Buddhism and meditation.

Followers of the Buddha's teaching

Amritanjali A Homage to the late Ven. Bhikkhu Amritanada

Amritanjali A Homage to the late Ven. Bhikkhu Amritanada


Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahanayaka Mahathera is one of the pioneer leaders of Nepal as far as the country’s revival of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal. Early in 1990 a committee was formed in Kathmandu under the aegis of the Ananda Kuti Vihar Trust to commemorate the 50th year of Upasampada (Higher Ordination) on 4th of October 1990 of the Venerable Bhikkhu Amritananda. A few days ahead of the 50th year of Upasampada special program, unfortunately Ven. Bhikkhu Amritananda passed away on 20th August 1990 due to a cardiac arrest. This book is collections of messages of condolence received from diplomats from various

Those who want to know about the role of Bhikkhu Amritananda Mahathera to revive Theravada Buddhism in Nepal.

The Life of Tathagata

The Life of Tathagata


The writer covered only 27 of the 45 Vassas (the rainy retreats) of Lord Buddha. It illustrated the Buddha's life based on Tripitaka. It has covered the details and analysis of different events during his 27 rainy retreats.

Students and followers of Buddhism

Daw Gunawati Guruma in Nepal

Daw Gunawati Guruma in Nepal


The Burmese nun Venerable Ma Gunavati, Sasandhaja Dhammachariya, who devoted her 35 years in Dharmakirti Vihar and helped and supported the spread of Dhamma. She taught Buddhism to the prevailing conservative traditional people and played a role model and took active part in all the activities sponsored by Dharmakriti Vihar. On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebration of Dharmakirti Vihar has published a book as a tribute to her invaluable contribution and services to Buddhasasan in Nepalese community. All the articles are compiled by different people who have known her closely during her stay in Nepal.

To know Ma Gunawati's contributions in Dhamma.

Daily Buddha Pooja (Pali and English)

Daily Buddha Pooja (Pali and English)


The Five Precepts of Buddha's teaching, Triratna Vandana, Buddha Pooja and Punnanumodan have been translated in English from the Pali language.

Followers of the Buddha's teaching.

धर्म व व्यवहार

धर्म व व्यवहार

लेखककाे ४ दशकदेखि प्रकाशित भइसकेका ७० वटाभन्दा बढी छरिएर रहेका महत्त्वपूर्ण लेख रचनाहरूलाई संग्रहीत गरेकाे छ । यसमा नेपाल भाषाकाे २९ वटा नेपाली भाषाकाे ३७ वटा र अंग्रजी भाषाकाे ५ वटा लेख रचनाहरूलाई ८ परिच्छेदमा बिभाजन गरिएका छन् । बुद्धशिक्षालाई दैनिक जीवनमा उतारेर जीवन जिउने कलाकाे रूपमा धर्मलाई जीवनकाे अभिन्न अङ्ग सरह दैनिक विधिव्यवहारमा अभ्यास हेतु त्रिपिटक पालि साहित्यिक ग्रन्थकाे आधारमा प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् । यसकाे साथै समीक्षात्मक लेख, यात्रा संस्मरण, संस्सरणात्मक लेख, साहित्यिक कथा, भूगर्भ बिज्ञान र प्राविधिक रिपाेर्टहरु पनि समावेश गरेका छन् ।

व्यवहारिक रूपमा बुद्ध् शिक्षा अध्ययन गर्न चाहनेहरू ।

धातुविवण्णक प्रेतया खँ (धातुविवण्णपेतवत्थुवण्णना

धातुविवण्णक प्रेतया खँ (धातुविवण्णपेतवत्थुवण्णना

भगवान बुद्धकाे परिनिर्वाणपछि राजा अजात शत्रुले अस्तिधातुकाे भाग सात बर्ष सात महिनासम्म बुद्धकाे गुण अनुस्मरण गर्दै महान पूजा गर्नु भयाे । यसबाट कयाैं मानिसहरू चित्त शुद्ध गरी प्रसन्न भई स्वर्गगामी भए त्यस्तै काेही दिर्घकाल सम्म अश्रद्धावान मिथ्यादृष्टि भई चित्त प्रसन्न नभएकाहरू मृत्यु भई उक्त्त पाप कर्मकाे कारणले प्रेत भए । त्यसपछि महाकाश्यपले सत्त्वप्राणी प्रति करुणा राखी ऋृद्धीद्वारा मानिसहरूले ती प्रेतहरू र देवताहरू देख्ने गरी अभिनिर्मित गर्नु भयाे र उनीहरुले भाेग गरिरहेका दुःख र सुखका कुराहरू बारे प्रकाश पार्नु हुदै धर्म देशना गरेकाे बिषयलाई समेटेर प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् । यसकाे साथै कर्म, फल, विपाक, दश कुशल र सिद्धं वर्णमालालाई पनि उल्लेख

कर्म र कर्मफल तथा सिद्धं वर्णमालाका बारेमा अध्ययन गर्न चाहनेहरू ।

सन्दर्भः अभिनन्दन समाराेह २०६८

सन्दर्भः अभिनन्दन समाराेह २०६८


नेपालका पूज्यपाद छैठाैं संघनायक भिक्षु अश्वघाेष महास्थविर तथा संघ उपनायक भिक्षु कुमार काश्यप महास्थविरकाे बुद्धशासनिक याेगदानलाई कदर गरी अखिल नेपाल भिक्षु महासंघकाे तत्त्वावधानमा संलग्न सम्बद्ध बिभिन्न संघ सस्थाहरुकाे सहभातितामा बि सं २०६८ कार्तिक २६ गतेका दिन एतिहासिक आनन्दकुटी विहारमा आयाेजित विशेष अभिनन्दन समाराेहका लागि प्रकाशित पुस्तिका हाे । यसमा भिक्षु अश्वघाेष महास्थविर र भिक्षु कुमार काश्यपकाे जीवनी, अभिनन्दन पत्रहरू, समाराेहकाे कार्यक्रममा सहभागी विहार र बाैद्ध संघहरूकाे नामावलीहरू उल्लेख गरिएका छन् ।

नेपालका पूज्यपाद छैठाैं संघनायक भिक्षु अश्वघाेष महास्थविर तथा संघ उपनायक भिक्षु कुमार काश्यप महास्थविरकाे जीवनीबारे अध्ययन गर्न चाहनुहरू ।

अन्तरराष्ट्रिय बाैद्ध भावना केन्द्र रजत महाेत्सव स्मारिका

अन्तरराष्ट्रिय बाैद्ध भावना केन्द्र रजत महाेत्सव स्मारिका

अन्तरराष्ट्रिय बाैद्ध भावना केन्द्रकाे रजत महाेत्सवकाे उपलक्ष्यमा प्रकासित यस पुस्तकमा राष्ट्रिय अन्तरराष्ट्रिय संघ संस्थाहरू तथा कुटनीतिक नियाेगहरुबाट प्राप्त शुभकामना सन्देशहरु, भावना केन्द्रकाे इतिहास, परिचय, गतिबिधीहरु, बिभिन्न ब्यक्त्तित्वहरुबाट रचित बुद्धधर्मसंग सम्बन्धित लेख, रचना, ध्यान भावनाका अनुभवहरू तथा स्मरणिय लेखहरू तथा कविताहरू रहेका छन् ।

अन्तरराष्ट्रिय बाैद्ध भावना केन्द्रकाे गतिबिधी तथा ध्यान भावना सम्बन्धि जानकारी हासिल गर्न चाहनेहरू ।

Practical Vipassana Meditation Exercises

Practical Vipassana Meditation Exercises


There is a brief introduction and objective of the International Buddhist Meditation Center. The following points are included in the book; Renowned Burmese Vipassana teacher Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw’s basic meditation instruction or process for Satipatthana Vipassana meditation, program schedule and daily routine for meditation, yogis at International Buddhist Meditation Center.

Interested meditation yogis, who wish to join the International Buddhist Meditation Center for meditation.

The Life of a Monk

The Life of a Monk


This book is a general picture of the monk’s life i.e. rules and regulation, code of conduct, duty and etc. The monk’s life in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand are also mentioned in this book.

Buddhist monks, students and teachers.