
सद्धर्म पुष्पमाला

सद्धर्म पुष्पमाला

अनागारिका अग्गञाणी गुरुमां प्रवजित हुनुभएको रजत महोत्सव (२५ बर्ष) को उपलक्ष्यमा प्रकाशित यस पुस्तकमा समय समयमा बिभिन्न पत्र-पत्रिका, स्मारिका, स्मृतिग्रन्थहरूमा वहाँद्वारा विभिन्न भाषामा रचना गरिएका महत्वपूर्ण, अति सार-गर्भित बिभिन्न २५ वटा शिर्षकहरूका रचनाहरूलाई संकलन गरि प्रस्तुत गरिएका छन् । ती मध्ये केहि यसप्रकारका छन् ।

सद्धर्म प्रेमी एवम् ध्यान भावना र बुद्धशिक्षाबारे जिज्ञासुहरू ।

A Brief Biography of Ven. Bhikkhu Amritananda

A Brief Biography of Ven. Bhikkhu Amritananda


This book is a brief Biography of Ven. Bhikkhu Amritananda, which was published for the occasion of the 15th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Buddhist students and teachers.

A Pilgrimage in China

A Pilgrimage in China


This book is a chronology of Bhikkhu Dharmaloka Mahasthavir.

Buddhist students and teachers.

A Short History of Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal

A Short History of Theravada Buddhism in Modern Nepal


Introduction of Theravada Buddhism, the expulsion of Theravada Buddhist monks from Nepal, a few unhappy experience of the Buddhis monks in the recent-past-have been mentioned and an idea of the efforts being made to firmly establish the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal are described in this book.

students and teachers

Awake  Buddhists of Nepal

Awake Buddhists of Nepal


This book explains the meaning of “wake” up in fact and how and why we all indeed wake up for. This will be able to fulfil the gap between reality and concept of the glance at Dhamma.

Who wants to know about the Buddha’s teachings.

Buddhism and Nepal

Buddhism and Nepal


Buddhism in Nepal is as ancient as Nepal, is proved by the Swayambhu Puran. Some extracts from which are reproduced by various views of Buddhism in Nepal like; Chinese Traveller Huang Sheng-chang, Fa Hsien, Dr. Daniel Wright, Dr. Oldfield and etc. Also described the revival of Buddhism in Nepal and able to have an idea of the efforts being made to firmly establish the Theravada Buddhism in Nepal. This document was prepared for the Fourth World Buddhist Conference in Nepal.

Buddhism students and teachers.

Buddhist Activities in Socialist countries

Buddhist Activities in Socialist countries


This book was a traveler's diary of Bhikkhu Amritananda. He mentioned various aspects in this book such as social, economic, cultures, traditions, customs and religions of the visited country; China, North Vietnam, Mangolia and Ulan Ude.

Students and teachers.

Buddhist Geography of Ancient Nepal

Buddhist Geography of Ancient Nepal


his document was prepared for “The Fourth World Buddhist Conference, Kathmandu”. The document consisted many Buddhist holy shrines and places about their history, like Swayambhu, Guheswari, Deopata, Bodhnath, Bajra Jogini, Manichur Lake, Namobuddha, Vidhyadhori Jogini, Swarnabhumi and so on.

Buddhism Student and teacher

Nepal the Birth-place of Buddha

Nepal the Birth-place of Buddha


This is a Memorandum from the Dharmodaya Sabha prepared for the Third World Buddhist Conference, Rangoon, Burma on December 3rd, 1954. It consisted of “A report on the present state of Buddhism in Nepal”, “ A Brief History of Buddhism in Nepal”, “The Revival of Buddhism in Nepal”, “The Brief History of Dharmodaya Sabha”.

Buddhism Student and teacher

The Story of Prince Siddhartha

The Story of Prince Siddhartha


The book is based on the story of Prince Siddhartha, a great and noble son of Nepal. After his enlightenment he came to be known as the Buddha. The book consisted of sixteen lessons, starting from “Birth of Siddhartha” to “the Highest Wisdom-Buddhahood”. All the lessons presented in simple language with the notes and exercise.

School children and teachers.

The Buddhist Way of Life Book 4

The Buddhist Way of Life Book 4


There are twelve lessons in this book which is based on taught by the great teacher the Lord Buddha. Buddha’s teachings are the main topics like “The Buddha’s journey from Buddha Gaya to Sarnath”, “The Three Refuges and The Five Precepts”, “The Story of Sigalavada” and etc.. All the lessons are presented in simple language with the notes, exercise and word meanings.

School children and teachers.

The Philosophy of Change

The Philosophy of Change


The is basic principles of Buddhism, which Lord Buddha taught shows us the illusory nature of the world and further informs those struggling under delusion that nothing is permanent and changelessness will be possible only when one ceases to have any sort of desire.

All buddhism lovers.

The Story of the Buddha

The Story of the Buddha


There are sixteen lessons on “Life of the Buddha”, from Buddha’s “The First Sermon” to “The Teaching Still Live”. All the lessons are presented in very simple language along with the notes, exercise and word meanings.

School children and teachers.

The Story of Jatak Mala Book 3

The Story of Jatak Mala Book 3


here are fourteen stories of Bodhisattva's life (Jataka) taking various forms; like a bird to a human being and as a farmer to a king. The Jataka stories have formed very much a part of Buddhist teaching. In every story there is a moral-a living being helping another creature in all possible ways. All the stories presented in very simple language along with the notes and exercises.

School children and teachers as well.

भगवान शरण

भगवान शरण

बुद्ध धर्म सम्बन्धी लेख संग्रह गरिएकाे यसमा नेपाली, नेपाल भाषा र अंग्रेजी भाषामा प्रकाशित ४६ रचनाहरूकाे संकलन गरिएकाे र भिक्खु विपस्सी धम्मारामबाट बवरनिवेस, बैकंकबाट संकलन गरिएकाे

बुद्ध धर्म सम्बन्धी लेखहरूकाे संग्रह गर्न चाहनेहरूकाे लागी

कुमार भन्ते संक्षिप्त चिनारी

कुमार भन्ते संक्षिप्त चिनारी


आचार्य भिक्षु कुमार काश्यप महास्थविर धार्मिक कोष बुद्ध विहार भृकुटीमण्डप, काठमाडौं ३१ पुस्तकको मुख्य विषयः नेपालका एकमात्र त्रिपिटकाचार्य उपसंघनायक भिक्षु कुमार काश्यप महास्थविरको संक्षिप्त जीवनीसम्बन्धी लेखसंग्रह ।

कुमार काश्यपको बारे जानकारी लिन इच्छुक ब्यक्ति सबैलाई ।