Dharmakirti Prakashan

महास्वप्न जातक

महास्वप्न जातक


भगवान् बुद्धले श्रावस्तीका कोशल नरेशलाई भविष्यमा यस संसारमा मानिसहरूको मनोबृत्ति र वातावरण कसरी परिवर्तन हुँदै जानेछन् भनी बुझाउने तरीकाले १६ वटा स्वप्नहरू सचित्र निमित्तको रूपमा देखाएर बताउनु भएको देशनालाई उल्लेख गरिएको छ ।

भगवान् बुद्धले कोशल नरेशलाई देशना गर्नु भएको १६वटा स्वप्नहरूको बारेमा अध्ययन गर्न चाहनेहरू

Daw Gunawati Guruma in Nepal

Daw Gunawati Guruma in Nepal


The Burmese nun Venerable Ma Gunavati, Sasandhaja Dhammachariya, who devoted her 35 years in Dharmakirti Vihar and helped and supported the spread of Dhamma. She taught Buddhism to the prevailing conservative traditional people and played a role model and took active part in all the activities sponsored by Dharmakriti Vihar. On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebration of Dharmakirti Vihar has published a book as a tribute to her invaluable contribution and services to Buddhasasan in Nepalese community. All the articles are compiled by different people who have known her closely during her stay in Nepal.

To know Ma Gunawati's contributions in Dhamma.